
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Announcing Brave New Word #5

Ladies and gentlemen!

Brave New Word #5 is going live on June 1.

It was a rough ride but largely a satisfying one. This time you'll see lots of asemic stuff, more inventive writing and so of the most caustic imagery out there. Spread the word and bring your friends!

Issue line-up:
  • Gary Barwin
  • Mark Young
  • Marco Giovenale
  • Sean Smith
  • Angela Caporaso
  • Kyle Hemmings
  • Yrik Max Valentonis
  • Nathaniel Horowitz
  • Glen Armstrong
  • Federico Federici
  • Johannes S. H. Bjerg

Monday, May 1, 2017



Editors note:

Still can't believe this magazine lasted more than three issues. I guess i'm becoming a more organized person because of this. Anyway...

Original plan for the #4 was to make a prose-centered issue. There was a fair share of nice pieces that were individually fine - but in whole it wasn't working at all. It was a mess. So I decided to start from scratch instead trying to fix fundamentally broken concept.

And it was moderately successful. It took longer than usual to make it work. The flow wasn't as good as Issue 3. There were a lot of trash submissions and too many pieces that were critically unfit for the magazine that promotes experimental writing. But after all - it's a solid issue with lots and lots of great stuff to read and think about.

I'm glad to present you the works of the following:


Table of Contents:

  1. Zoria April - Five Visual Poems
  2. Olchar Lindsann - Five poems
  3. Luc Fierens - Four collages
  4. Mark Antony Rossi - Four poems
  5. Bill DiMichele - Garage
  6. Heath Brougher - Two poems
  7. Howie Good - Five cut-up texts
  8. Phil Openshaw - Five visual pieces
  9. Scott-Patrick Mitchell - Four poems
  10. Stephen Nelson - Fourteen Untitled Minimalist Poems
  11. Juan Angel Italiano - Sound and Visual pieces
  12. Timothy Parfitt - Last First Action Hero
  13. Orchid Tierney - Three visual pieces 

Mark Antony Rossi - Four poems

Mark Antony Rossi's poetry, criticism, fiction, creative nonfiction and photography have appeared in The Antigonish Review, Anak Sastra, Bareback Magazine, Black Heart Review, Brain of Forgetting, Deep Water Literary Journal, Dirty Chai, Enclave, Expound, Farther Stars Than, Flash Fiction, Gravel, Indian Periodical,  Japanophile, Journal of Microliterature,  Kulchur Creative Journal, Mad Swirl, On The Rusk, Purple Patch, Scrivener Creative Review, Sentiment Literary Journal, Snapdragon, Syzygy Poetry Journal, The Sacrificial, Toad Suck Review, Transnational, Vine Leaves Lite
rary Journal, Wild Quarterly and Yellow Chair Review. http://ethical-stranger.webnode.com/

Zoria April - Five Visual Poems

Zoria April (born 1988) is a professional translator and a writer. She has published two poetry books, one at a very young age - Stars and Sparks of a Dream (2000) - and the second one – Wordigami (2015) is a visual poetry book inspired by kanji characters. Her poems and short stories have been published in various poetry collections and have been winners of several national and international literature competitions.
In her free time she also does photography, and has been part of six group exhibitions, the last two taking place in Tokyo, Japan. She holds an MA in English Literature and currently she is a researcher at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies working in the field of Japanese language and literature with an accent on Japanese visual poetry.

Heath Brougher - Two poems

Heath Brougher is the poetry editor of Five 2 One Magazine and the co-poetry editor of Into the Void Magazine. He has published 3 chapbooks, A Curmudgeon Is Born (Yellow Chair Press, 2016), Digging for Fire, and Your Noisy Eyes (both by Stay Weird and Keep Writing Press, 2016 and 2017). He is a Best of the Net Nominee and has had work translated into anthologies and journals in Albania and Kosovo. He edited the anthology Luminous Echoes, the proceeds of which are donated to an organization which helps prevent suicide/self harm. He was the judge for Into the Void Magazine's 2016 Inaugural Poetry Contest and has had his own work appear in The Helios Mss, Chiron Review, Zoomoozophone Review, Word For/Word, Expound, MiPOesias, Gloom Cupboard, Full of Crow, Cruel Garters, Lakeview Journal, Otoliths, East Jasmine Review, X-Peri, Carnival, Red Ceilings Review, Clockwise Cat, Moss Trill, Gold Dust Magazine, Squawk Back, BlazeVOX, Diverse Voices Quarterly, *Star 82 Review, eFiction India, and elsewhere.

Luc Fierens - Four collages

Luc Fierens (born in Mechelen, Belgium, 1961) is a networked collagist and visual poet provocateur. His work emerged out of Poesia Visiva, Mail Art and Fluxist circles. Fierens’ diverse practice focuses on language/image as a raw material and the exploration of alternative forms of distribution and communication.
As such, he promoted a transnational dialogue prior to the inception of the Internet with his mail art projects (“Social-Art”, “Cornucopiae…”) and publications (Postfluxpostbooklets) from 1984.
Now, he continues his research with artists (since 2013 he has worked closely with performance artist Elish Falanga) from his “social architecture” with whom he exchanges, forwards, and directs art, and collaborative projects through the (e-)mail, and with whom he organizes performances, publications (artists’ books) and exhibitions.
His publications and works can be found in major archives (R&M Sackner Archive, Miami and Artpool, Budapest), libraries (MoMa Library, Rare Books Collection of the University of Buffalo), museums (MaRT (Trento e Rovereto, Italy)) and several private collections (Fondazione Berardelli (Italy), Verbeke Foundation (Belgium)).

Stephen Nelson - Fourteen Untitled Minimalist Poems

Stephen Nelson is the author of Lunar Poems for New Religions (KFS Press) and Thorn Corners (erbacce-press). His latest book is a Xerolage of visual poetry called Arcturian Punctuation (Xexoxial Editions). He has published in The Sunday Times and exhibited vispo internationally. Check out www.afterlights-vispo.tumblr.com.

Juan Angel Italiano - Sound and Visual pieces

Juan Angel Italiano (Montevideo - 1965) develops his work on the investigation of the various expressive possibilities of poetic language. On this subject he has published several papers and several are part of different anthologies, print and digital media (CD-ROM and DVD) published abroad. He is founder and co-director of the publishing alternative "editions of the cemetery." He has conducted lectures, meetings and exhibitions organized, written articles and participated in national and foreign linked to the experimental poetry events.

Timothy Parfitt - Last First Action Hero

Timothy Parfitt grew up in Glencoe, Illinois and Hannover, Germany. A former caddy, he is the editor of I’ll Watch Anything and his essays and criticism have appeared in Deadspin, Thread, Newcity, Chicagoist, Timeout Chicago and Wassup.

Scott-Patrick Mitchell - Four poems

Scott-Patrick Mitchell (SPM) is a West Australian performance poet. SPM's poetry appears in Out Of The Box: Contemporary Australian Gay & Lesbian Poets, Turnrow Anthology of Contemporary Australian Poetry, Contemporary Australian Poetry and The Fremantle Press Anthology of Western Australian Poetry. In 2017, SPM’s debut collection, Vade Mecum, will be published through Hawkline Press. Visit www.facebook.com/scottpatrickmitchellpoet for information

Phil Openshaw - Five visual pieces

Phil Openshaw is a photographer and visual artist who works within a wide variety of media including digital manipulation, glitch, audiovisual transformation, sound art, coding, calligraphy, music, print, painting and asemic writing.

Professional photographic work includes a broad practice with themes including: urban environments, transformation, people, their impact on landscape and nature; the conflicting interests involved in organised urban development, the existing environments and population.

Abstract pieces often include photography combined with drawn and abstract imagery. Working with digital and abstract works led to an exploration of the visual languages of text, propaganda, and printed media leading to current asemic and related works.

Bill DiMichele - Garage

Little is known of the life of Bill DiMichele, the apocryphal painter/poet/musician of the early 21st century.  He studied quantum physics with Feynman and religion with Zoroaster and Akiva.  Legends tell of him learning sand painting from the Native American shamans on the high banks of the Monongahela River.  On snow-covered mountains he contemplated the emerald tablet of Hermes, discovering the significance of the saying “as above so below”.  This is the principle that guided his work from 1975 to 2025. 

This series of paintings, which has been in progress since 1993, and now counts +/- 150 works, is called ‘Garage’.  Their intent is to open the mind, and, more importantly, the soul and the spirit.  The paintings are like higher dimensional landscapes, portraits, and languages.  It’s all there for the taking.

Bill DiMichele aka Billy Dim aka Doctor Homeslice.

Howie Good - Five cut-up texts

Howie Good is the author of The Loser's Guide to Street Fighting, winner of the 2017 Lorien Prize from ThoughtCrime Press, and Dangerous Acts Starring Unstable Elements, winner of the 2015 Press Americana Prize for Poetry. He co-edits White Knuckle Press with Dale Wisely. 

Orchid Tierney - Three visual pieces

Orchid Tierney is a poet from New Zealand now residing in Philadelphia. Her chapbooks include Brachiation (Dunedin: GumTree Press, 2012) and The World in Small Parts (Chicago: Dancing Girl Press, 2012). As the editor/curator of REM Magazine, she is responsible for publishing work by the emergent and established voices of experimental writing. She is currently pursuing a PhD in English at the University of Pennsylvania.

Olchar Lindsann - Five poems

Olchar E. Lindsann is a co-founder of the Post-NeoAbsurdist network, has published around forty books of poetry, critical theory, and avant-garde history, and has performed sound poetry across the US and UK. He is the editor of mOnocle-Lash Anti-Press and the journals in-Appropriated Press and Rêvenance: Hauntings from Underground Histories. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia where he teaches at a progressive alternative high school and co-organizes the AfterMAF Festival, and maintains several archive dedicated to various aspects of the contemporary and historical avant-garde.