
Thursday, August 8, 2019


Editor's Note:
This one was long time coming but in the end i'm satisfied with the result. This issue rocks. No drama involved in the long development. I was trying to make this issue really good.
One of the things i always intended to do with Brave New Word is moving forward. Each issue is distinct, very different from the previous. And after a while, it gets really hard to maintain that. You get more of the same even though the authors are different. This causes some sort of development hell. It would've been great if things went a bit faster - but it is not exactly like that.

Without further ado - Brave New Word Issue 15

Alex Salinas - Three Poems

Alex Z. Salinas lives in San Antonio, Texas. His poetry has been published in the San Antonio Express-News, Shot Glass Journal, The Rye Whiskey Review, Duane's PoeTree, and in the San Antonio Review, where he serves as poetry editor. His short fiction has appeared in publications such as Every Day Fiction, Mystery Tribune, Red Fez, Schlock! Webzine, Nanoism, escarp, 101 Words, and 365tomorrows. 

Theodoros Chiotis - Physics of surfaces

Theodoros Chiotis is a poet and literary theorist. Amongst his publications are Futures: Poetry of the Greek Crisis (Penned in the Margins, 2015), Screen (in collaboration with photographer Nikolas Ventourakis; Paper Tigers Books, 2017) and limit.less: towards an assembly of the sick (Litmus, 2017). His work has appeared in journals and anthologies in Greece, the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Turkey, Poland and Croatia. He has translated contemporary British and American poets into Greek and Aristophanes into English. He is a member of the editorial board of the Greek literary magazine [φρμκ] and contributing editor  for Hotel magazine. His project Mutualised Archives, an ongoing performative interdisciplinary work unfolding throughout the whole of 2017, received the Dot Award by the Institute for the Future of Book and Bournemouth University and will be published in 2018; he has also been awarded a High Commendation from the Forward Prizes for Poetry. 


Physics of surfaces I:  Practice makes perfect

you can hear the paint 
 being stripped off the walls
    the tips of the nails scratching at the boundaries: 
          the unexpected haunting of the
                 logical system;
     desire leers at you 
  despite repeated attempts to analyse 
family genes and environmental factors 
 as if it were a simple matter of finding 
   two adjoining rooms with windows 
      overlooking the lake. 

The residual evidence 
         of possibility 
                a series of images of the unwanted 
               on a spatter dash 
               to temporal friction.

Physics of surfaces II: Life on Mars
And, certes, the text most infallibly concludes it.
(William Shakespeare, Love’s Labour’s Lost, 4.2.143)

The eye pores over 
         the bodies shored up by the tide 
in an attempt to recalculate the possibility of taking
         liberties with 
the script;
         this will be a Palm Sunday tradition: 
the scattering of flowers 
          with dragon mouths 
          and snapping shut
without ever uttering a word.
Flebimus super illos.
          Is all this empty
clothing worthy of


         The I now splayed 
outside its own text 
         (or in the depths of other texts)
is carried away by currents 
         flowing without reason:
police interrogations
        are by default


Mikhail Shchupak-Katsman - Visual Works

Author's note:
"I really like to poke people’s brains. From business, to family and friends, and even love [especially love], the core foundation of all things boil down psychology, and the workings of the brain. I think the human mind is a bizarre and peculiar place.

As fragile as it may be, it can become an unbelievably powerful force. It creates and imposes meaning from conjured ideas, and interestingly, skews our view of the world, as well as ourselves in a remarkably distorted, yet sentimental way.

This is what inspires the subject matter of my stu# most of the time. I’ve always been fascinated by how the world seems to be viewed so drastically di#erently by everyone compared to myself, and I can’t help but wonder and imagine: what could they see? How different is their reality from mine?"

Joan McNerney - Three Poems

Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Warriors with Wings, Blueline, and Halcyon Days. Four Bright Hills Press Anthologies, several Poppy Road Review Journals, and numerous Kind of A Hurricane Press Publications have accepted her work. Her latest title is Having Lunch with the Sky and she has four Best of the Net nominations.

Cheryl Penn - Letters written one on top of each other

Cheryl Penn is a conceptual artist and independent contract university lecturer/examiner in the practises of art history, conceptual art practice, creative thinking, aleatory poetry.

Bruno Chiarlone Debenedetti - Five Images

Bruno Chiarlone Debenedetti è nato nel 1947 a Cairo Montenotte (SV).
Dal 1980 è attivo nel campo della poesia verbo-visiva e della mail art internazionale.
Appena un anno dopo, nel 1981, il noto artista bresciano GAC, lo nomina maestro di cerimonia per il suo 100° anniversario 1914-2014.
Nel 1990 scrive il Manifesto Eco-arte che presenta a Savona (Filmstudio).
Nella sua nativa Liguria, a Rocchetta Cairo, con amici artisti, ha realizzato grandi pitture murali.

Ha pubblicato in Italia, alcuni romanzi storici e vari libri su Cavellini oltre a numerosi suoi libri d’artista, ora conservati in biblioteche italiane ed estere. Collabora alla rivista di mail art Circulaire 132 pubblicata in Canada
Scrive vari articoli che compaiono saltuariamente on-line su Savonanews, Cagliari Art Magazine, Trucioli blog, Mediterranews, IVG, Culture Creative.
Si dedica al collage, al libro d’artista e alla fotografia di paesaggio ed alla promozione di progetti land-art e la collocazione di cartellini dipinti nel territorio naturale.

Patricia Walsh - 5 poems

Patricia Walsh was born and raised in the parish of Mourneabbey, Co Cork, Ireland.  To date, she has published one novel, titled The Quest for Lost Eire, in 2014, and has published one collection of poetry, titled Continuity Errors, with Lapwing Publications in 2010. She has since been published in a variety of print and online journals.  These include: The Lake; Seventh Quarry Press; Marble Journal; New Binary Press; Stanzas; Crossways; Ygdrasil; Seventh Quarry; The Fractured Nuance; Revival Magazine; Ink Sweat and Tears; Drunk Monkeys; Hesterglock Press; Linnet's Wing, Narrator International, The Galway Review; Poethead and The Evening Echo.

B.J. Best - Three Neural Network Poems

Author's note: These poems are a collaboration with torch-rnn, a neural network library that writes words one character at a time.  The neural network was trained on my own body of work from the past twenty years.  The resulting poems, therefore, are my own writing rewritten by a computer, then edited by me.

Stephen Lindow - Three pieces

Stephen of Lindow took his MFA at Umass-Amherst 2004. He has been writing and performing poetry since 1986. In 1997-98 he toured with Poetry Alive!, Inc. His poems have appeared in The Massachusetts Review, Bateau & Meat For Tea. He was a poetry editor for The Naugatuck Review from 2010-11 and slam judge at Western New England College. While in L.A. in 2012 he created poetry films from his laptop, & published poems in ARTillery, Bad Robot Poetry & Penumbra. He is a SCUBA diver,
urban explorer & noisician[sic] who performed Kurt Schwitters's 'Ursonata' with Dadaist group
in Holyoke, MA. He lives in Florida.

Jesse DeLong - Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems

Jess DeLong's work has appeared in Colorado Review, Mid-American Review, American Letters and Commentary, Indiana Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and Typo, as well as the anthologies Best New Poets 2011 and Feast: Poetry and Recipes for a Full Seating at Dinner. My chapbooks, Tearings, and Other Poems and Earthwards, were released by Curly Head Press. 


Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems, a Misunderstanding. x1 is an algorithm, a computer software; x2 is the mind.


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x1 is excellent at achieving checkmate;
there is no practical algorithm for checkmate in chess;
therefore: the explanation of x1’s talents cannot be that x1 is running an algorithm.

x2 can understand;
there is no feasible algorithm for understanding;
therefore: the system that natural selection selected, the whatever-it-is that accounts for understanding,
(x2) cannot be an algorithm.

J. D. Nelson - Five Poems

J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words and sound in his subterranean laboratory. Visit www.MadVerse.com for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Colorado.NW