
Monday, July 3, 2017

Peter Carlaftes - Three Poems

Peter Carlaftes offers a poetic voice filled with drop-dead humor, searing insight, and resilient originality –while resonating with overtones of Bukowski, Baudelaire and Vonnegut. He lives in New York City.

1. It's A Small, Small World 

It's a world of laughter
when you can't run as fast
as a group of your peers
or you can't aftord the things
that they think your family needs
a small, small world

you don't need a mirror

you have the rest of the world

2. My soul to keep

I snuck down the stairs
in the quiet of night
with a torn, stained pillowcase
stuffed with torn, stained clothes
because I didn't have the rent
for the week gone by
so I sat on a bench
in the park
with my clothes
and could think of
no better place to be

until I found a car
on Fordham Road
that seemed more
abandoned than me

it's windows 
were shattered
it's back seat

I put my head down 
on that pillow 
of clothes

I snuck down the stairs
in the quiet of night
with a torn, stained pillowcase
bulging with torn, stained clothes
because I didn't have the rent
for the week gone by
so I sat on a bench
in the park
with my clothes
and could think of
no better place to be
until I laid eyes on
that beat up old car
left abandoned on 
Fordham Road

it's windows 
were shattered
it's back seat

I put my head down on 
that pillow of clothes
which i left in the car
the next day —once awoke
while i went off
to hustle
some food
here and there

that was 
four whole days
of life
until a friend
dropped by
and told me that
Richie moved out
from Duke's up the block
so if I liked
the couch was mine
for 30 bucks a month

so —enterprising 
young man that I was
borrowed a dollar
and bought a token
then took the train
to Times Square
and worked the door
of some massage parlor
handing out flyers
for 4  bucks an hour
paid cash
at the end 
of each night

some 12 hours later
I climbed 5 flights of stairs
and paid Duke his money

I had a place for a month

then a few days later
walking down to the park
I saw the car that I'd slept in
had it's street side smashed in
by what had to be a drunk
in the middle of the night
where i once was now but not
oh wow
that would've been
could've been me

guys were laughing
it should've been
ha ha ha

but it didn't 
i was luck
there was magic
yet no why

a few months later
I watched
as they towed off
the car

watching the car
being towed 
down the hill

then I turned
up my street
here goes again
as I tackled
those 5 flights of stairs


3. Wake up & Smell the Roommate 

what if
in the future
your roommate
is growing in
a petri dish
right next to yours
oh my god!

there are worse things
than having
the container of ice cream
you thought you had waiting
for you in the freezer
not be there or even
having one bite left
when you know
good and well
it was half full
how about
being able to afford ice cream
or have a working freezer
with a roof and walls
to place it in
instead of
rant rant rant
your roommates
your roommates
your roommates:

how come
no matter
what time
I get home
your backpack
blocks the door?
How come
my iPod
is stuck on James Blount?

always more questions
not enough answers

not enough action
after the fact

You owe me money
for the electric bill

You were supposed to fill
my car up with gas

You were supposed to buy
light bulbs

You left the water running
in the toilet bowl again

You were supposed
to buy toilet paper

You used my toothbrush/paste

You're 3/4 days/weeks
late with rent

Clean out the Tub!

Don't you ever Bathe?

How come you didn't

and worst of all
the very worst

the worst that
you could hear
from someone else

I've got the perfect roommate
they're never home at all

the new breed
moving forward

breeds a purer

just think of
what the petri dish
will breed...
