
Friday, February 1, 2019

John Pursch - Three Prose Pieces

John Pursch lives in Tucson, Arizona. Twice nominated for Best of the Net, his work has appeared in many literary journals. A collection of his poetry, Intunesia, is available at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/whiteskybooks. His pi-related lit-rap video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l33aUs7obVc. He’s @johnpursch on Twitter and john.pursch on Facebook.

1. Hovercraft

On the promenade, shop talk devolves ice cold, sliding gently down parched throats before boulevards empty. Unburdened mind, your carousel so bright! Exude enormous runway slogans, painted horizontal sash atop a streamlined tube. Passing seconds spark a thousand tasks, eyed by freaky foppish timekeepers, wedged slowly into gridlock.

Sandstone holds hermetic seas, refrigerated bliss becalming beacons. Milky anemometers contrive to impress caloric aviators with savory calibration. Manly but minute swordplay plunges stumblebums into sundry aisles, capitalizing on confusion.

“Crumble!” screams the elevated granary, pickled to dusk. Onset swings to cinders, tanned atomic residue apart from sterile calm. Omens ignore causality, culled from string of hierarchical neurotics. Cinched munitions chafe at every ivory-plated palace, pumping buffet lines with hints of vacillation.

Suit me, clubbed precedent! Shards of cork officiate, calling for an ambulance in swarming summer daylight. Collusion saddles kinfolk with calligraphy, despite depilatories. Respiring raconteurs account for snooker’s weepy funeral, softening an altered waterway with family teal.

An open door triggers a Geiger counter, sleeting into early morning.

Fazed fallacious philanthropic changelings swoon and all announce an intermittent overload of opera. Sing in slanted mallet phrase, to ooze, to ogle, to obviate your own existence!

Gowned for sturgeon, airy dromedaries defy all flophouse flagrancies for fulminating foxtrot fogies, flexing philatelic dishpan, byline bifurcation, bilious hypnosis, holographic crayfish, film crew flimflam, corner cooking chatter, batch filet, catchphrase pheasant, squeaking copper hovercraft.

2. Lapidary Soma

Some liken simpatico to symbolic man, intimating truth from beauty, but eyewash tends to fully transfigured junctions, falling into waffles. Mirrors trace all passable claims of gilded assonance to topiary static. Argyle lines the Nile with elocution, scurrying to the sea. Whosoever notches an enervated fender might starch umbilical emblems, assembling flotillas.

Parry optic ferns, foveal opinion maker! Yearn to be, flowering and headless grave! Exclaimed calamities conspire to please us, fleecing quotidian Labradors of coastal neurosurgeons, leaving an atomic itch. Hotly canned estuaries flow from spigots broad and clean, spewing occultations.

A tiny elbow imperceptibly skewers a motet of twin-bed minarets. Mimes slosh, yielding involuted fusion of gamely curious rhapsody in fractal moon. Bullish owls hoot beneath an allied mumble. Detrital diplomats defer to docile precedents, opting for lapidary soma.

Faux erratic stereotypes elucidate ignoble pollen. Flexing pro bono, elephants prod coiled but candid valid humid ester. Dithering dithyrambs of Dionysian doxology beautify the plutocratic catacombs. 

3. Ivory Thicket Feeling

Stars abound in sky gazelle gazebo glance, phone call check of fellow bebop bellhop barnacle bothering Jujube juicers, juggling journaled weekends. Panning for seaside isthmus of asthmatics, torrential toreadors adore caped corrugators, cloaked in staggering clowns.

Tarred to matchstick macaroons by spumes of crew-cut emissaries meant for emendation, finches pause in mumbled cloud tops. Formulaic steeplechase, totaling odd-man crush in piety of pied polity, pleases purebred shortening to shinbone triplicate in Dover dross. Cheesecake vowel removal exonerates an aqueous queue. Sunrise corridors empty into pallid Plexiglas.

Herbal axioms reduce to flukes in oar box soap. Coadjutants martyr antiseptic sunbathers with easy shoveling, lifting tofu. Surgical integument extricates the future and prevaricates in limitless malfeasance, seasoning eggs with gnomic gametes. Amorous altruists abhor an ordinary army, spying on charwomen. I scream at notaries, echoing immunity's mutinous but muted mulch of ivory thicket feeling.