Federico Federici is a physicist, a translator and a writer. He lives and works between Berlin and the Ligurian Apennines. His texts have appeared in «Maintenant 3», «Raum», «Sand», «Stadtsprachen Magazin», «Magma», «Trafika Europe» and others. Among his books: L'opera racchiusa (2009, Lorenzo Montano Prize), Appunti dal passo del lupo (2013) in the book series curated by Eugenio De Signoribus, Dunkelwort (2015) presented at Berlin Literaturfestival “Stadtsprachen” 2016 and translated into Catalan by Marta Vilardaga (Paraula de tenebra, 2018),Mrogn (2017, Elio Pagliarani Prize) presented at the 19 Poesiefestival Berlin (2018), the long poem in English and German Requiem auf einer Stele (2017), On a certain practical uncertainty(2018) dedicated to W. K. Heisenberg and the asemic album Liner notes for a Pithecanthropus Erectus sketchbook (2018), with a foreword by SJ Fowler. In 2017 he was awarded the Lorenzo Montano Prize for prose. *** Asemic B-Sides This project relies on the high resolution scanning capabilities of an optical device to investigate how meaning penetrates and gets distorted by the solid matter it is printed on or carved in. The first inspiration came from an essay by Pavel Florenskij, in which icons are hinted at as doors.