
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Mark Young - Five Poems

Mark Young's most recent books are a collection of visual pieces, The Comedians, from Stale Objects de Press, & turning to drones, from Concrete Mist Press. Due out within the next few months are turpentine from Luna Bisonte Prods, & from, from Ma Press of Finland.


1. A gray square that drifts

A bizarre controversy is raging
in Piano, Texas — can intoeing
cause my child problems down
the road? She decided to bicycle
there before the surrounding
foliage lost too much light. The
island was quite small, the gable
in-filled with weatherboards.

Three innocent women were
come into the scholler's chamber.
Pollutants are given off. Small
jade orchids lose their scent
because of the draft coming in
through the dormer windows.

2. the tragic mode is archaic

Undermined by public mistrust,
the ethics of language testing
has become a tragic spiral now
facing a small sausage that can
significantly harm sperm quality.
Such an awesome template! It
throws caution to the wind &
into the Penola river whether or

not a tweet was sent. Can impose
the least possible uniformity on
observed conflict & parking at-
tempts with a choral performance.
The subject was later found shot
to death on Renegade Mountain.

3. To Boost Cloud Strategy

I've been trying to make some
money recently with rituals
of masculinity & femininity.

Calorie counting is such a crutch.

A random piece of jewelry will
provide neither additional inform-
ation nor body to body contact.

The yam family was buried with
an army of terracotta soldiers.

We sense an awkward encounter.

4. been on the road for quite a while now

                       He was feeling virtuous
               at having gotten up early
                               & eaten some over-
                         priced fruit & yogurt. Now
            he is scrolling quickly through
                          social media, trying to stalk
                    his ex. He finds no trace of
                       him, only photos of martyrs
                & zealots along with hazy
                               shots of sea & ponds & an
                        eye-opening, previously un-
                                told, history of civil rights.
                    That annoys him; so he
                         tries trolling footballers &
                                   French chefs & leaving racist
                        abuse on their various sites. An
                            idiot pop-up informs him
                   nobody goes home empty-
                      handed. He couldn't agree more.

5. Déjeuner sur Les Demoiselles

When I can, I put goat cheese on
my philanthropy. It opens all
sorts of doors, from bondage parlors
through to bishopscourts. Picasso
joins in with me, murmuring that
not all bullrings are created equal
though it's hard to tell until you
prise your eyes apart. I don't know

what he means but won't admit
it. He tends to get annoyed at what
gets lost in poor translations. A wood-
pecker turns sawdust into snacks
like trail mix, nuts, & crackers. I spit
in its eye, then offer it a lollipop.