L.G. COREY is the author of four books of poetry -- Sausalito Poems, Rats' Alley Poems, The Kalidas Verses and Shards of Glass -- all brought out over the past years by the British book publisher, Platypus Press, Ltd. (Larry just finished a fifth collection, 85 Meaningless Poems, currently looking for a publisher.)
His works also have appeared in Right Hand Pointing, Rogue Poetry Review 2015, Kairos, RAUM, FUG.UES, Chaffey Review, Empty Sink, Unlost : A Found Poetry Review, Dead Snakes, Corvus Review, The Literary Commune, Danse Macabre (France) , Kalyna Review (Ukraine), Hot Tub Astronaut (Scotland), California Journal of Poetics, Red Savina Review, Chaffey R eview, Poetry Pacific, Empty Sink, Snapping Twig, Screech Owl and others.
the saucer of the teacup
holds the secrets of the tea;
knows nothing, tells all
wrapped in oolong
brewed in water
from a kettle on the fire
in Baba Yaga’s kitchen,
once upon a time.
an old man in
an old suit
and dirty socks,
sits on the rocks,
waiting for rain.
an old suit
and dirty socks,
sits on the rocks,
waiting for rain.
neither wheels nor circles
within the wheels and circles.
within the wheels and circles.
but the wheel revolves,
the circle turns,
the circle turns,
and the sun sets
on my Emerald City.
on my Emerald City.
metal on metal.
glass on glass.
glass on glass.
screech upon screech
from glass upon metal
and metal on glass.
from glass upon metal
and metal on glass.
owl screech
traffic screech
sister screech
traffic screech
sister screech
in the tree,
the stone, the earth.
the stone, the earth.
in the leaf,
the anthill,
the beehive.
the anthill,
the beehive.
in the trail of
dropping from
the Palm of Deborah
along the Path of Birnam Wood
the Palm of Deborah
along the Path of Birnam Wood
under the shadow of the Son of Man