Saturday, March 23, 2019

ISSUE 14 Nimbus Memorial Special

Editor's Note:

You know - sometimes you need try something completely different in order to move on. And sometimes - this means you need to give up on control and let things come together differently.
That's what happened with this issue.
I decided to take a back seat and make an issue, but not an issue of Brave New Word. Instead, i've decided to provide a platform for another magazine that was unjustly shut down before it could really blossom.

The magazine i'm talking about is Nimbus. It was a Facebook-based publication all about exasperated tongue-in-cheek mocking of self-serious digital publications that have more bark than bite.

Here's what Nimbus editor Jeremy Hight says:

"Nimbus was created initially as a conceptual prank.  The initial idea and posts were absurd exaggerated characters parodying clichés of publishing.  

The work also was intended to explore the concept of a literary magazine existing in an alternative and seemingly unusual space like within a social media platform in a place for events or selling products.  

The quality of works almost immediately pushed it to a level of a truly high quality publication of text and image works from around the world. It only lasted 3 weeks as Facebook anonymously engineered breaking the notes function making it impossible to function."